
  • Built micro frontend services for more than 10 web product at Bloomberg.
  • Created a static asset/bundle host server with s3 buckets as a source for the micro frontend service

  • Built capacity estimation tooling to calculate the number of hosts and power needed for new users of an infra service which reduced engineering time requirements for capacity calculations by more than 90%
  • Created a capacity request tracking web service to record and organize all capacity requests from infra customer product teams with MySQL, ReactJS, and GraphQL
  • Rebuilt an old capacity query service in Hack improving query speeds by more than 10%

  • Thea.ai — A online monitoring system for medical diagnosis and health care
  • Established a high-speed video data transmission platform and incorporated computer vision models to assess patients’ recovery status and detect dangerous actions of the elderly with 90% accuracy

  • On-Time Talent Solution — A medical profession hiring web application with 100,000+ global users
  • Optimized the bottleneck of graphQL API in backend server to shorten frontend query time by 20% Constructed the CI/CD pipeline on GCP and containerized the code with Kubernetes to replace the manual testing and deployment process, saving development time for all product teams by 50%

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